Business Owner Blog Series #10

Why Payment Reminders are Essential for Property Management in 2024

Hello there, fellow property manager... let's chat about one of those really crucial yet easily sidestepped tasks in rental management – making sure payments roll in smoothly each month. If you're like me and have juggled a few properties, this conversation is all too familiar. Dates kinda slip by now and then... tenants forget... and before you know it, you’re on that chase to send out reminders.

Getting timely payments is key in our line of work. And yes, the whole process can go a lot smoother with some nifty tools at hand. That’s where those magical payment reminders come into play—especially these days, having a reliable system for nudging tenants isn’t just helpful; it’s necessary.

Let's explore why using tech to automate payment reminders can save your sanity!

1. Recurring Invoices: Let Technology Do the Work!

First things first, automation isn’t just geek speak—it’s a lifesaver for us property folks! The smart people over at Meekhata got this down with their recurring invoice feature. Seriously, it’s like hitting cruise control on your car.

You schedule it once, relax a little more knowing invoices will zing out every market day like clockwork. Your tenants get their bills nice and early—which means they get their ducks in a row for payment too. It’s like synching up everyone’s clocks!

2. Handy-Dandy Payment Reminder Messages

Ah yes... the trusty payment reminder... a helpful ping saying “Just keeping you updated!” You might wonder how best to send these without pestering anyone too much. SMS is good but here's something better—sending a payment reminder message on WhatsApp.

Think about it—you’ve noticed everyone glued to their phones (guilty here too!). WhatsApp messages are pretty hard to miss compared to dusty ole’ emails today. A quick message there should smoothen any hiccups...

3. Juggle Payments & Loans Without Breaking a Sweat

If managing properties tied with loans or EMIs feels like you need an extra pair of hands (sound familiar?), take heart—in this twirling world full of rent receipts and deadlines shifting every week... keeping track doesn’t need an Excel marathon!

Platforms like Meekhata keep your head above water here—they help track who owes what anytime while also making automatic follow-ups simpler than ever across platforms available.

Here are some extra tips from one landlord mate to another:

- Get Cozy With Your Dashboard – It’s important! Stay focused without twenty tabs wrestling for attention every morning!

- Keep Communications Crispy! Make sure every payment reminder message, whether via email or WhatsApp, isn’t cluttered.

- Hold Off Stress Over Due Tracking – Automation teamed up alongside timely human input changes everything game-wise!

So here we are folks—that small treasure trove of notes catered especially with every busy landlord in mind trying not getting buried under brittle paperwork piles nor missing crucial leads due financial mishaps...

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✅ Collect payments easily from your clients (or students)

✅ Automatic payment reminder software

✅ Schedule payment reminder message on Whatsapp

✅ Automatic invoicing every month and online payment collection