Business Owner Blog Series #25

Making use of automatic payment reminders - for Photography and videography biz owners.

It's not always the talk of the town, but those recurring clients of yours—yeah, they’re kinda like the bread and butter. When you’re dealing with them regularly, ensuring payments flow smoothly is as important as delivering an album full of splendid snaps.

Hey, if you're in the photography and videography biz, capturing those special memories for regular clients, then you get it… There's so much more than just taking a good shot. In between client calls and shoots, there’s that little thing called getting paid.

Recurring Invoices: Your Silent Partner

If recurrent invoices aren’t already your best pals, they should be. They do the legwork for your finances while you’re lost in aperture settings and framing the perfect photo. Platforms out there, like Meekhata (shameless plug!), take care of automatic invoicing… sort of like having a personal assistant dedicated to your money matters.

These auto-generated invoices don’t just lighten up your admin load - they ensure payments show up on time too. It's less about chasing after dues and more about letting the creativity flow freely.

The Subtle Art of Payment Reminders

And let’s not forget these handy Payment Reminders. A tap on the shoulder, so to speak! They keep everything in balance and politely remind clients about their payment due dates without any awkwardness sneaking into your business-client relationship.

Think about sending out a Payment Reminder Message through WhatsApp or any platform you're savvy with. Crafting these means being smart yet friendly—a fine art you might say:

1. A casual ‘hello’ or personalised greeting—it just softens things up a bit.

2. Gently bring up those invoice details... "Just wanted to touch base on Invoice #456 from last month…"

3. Offer direct links for immediate payment to simplify their lives.

4. Be sure all details are there – clear communication keeps everyone aligned.

5. Wrap up thanking them for their cooperation—because everyone's juggling something!

Consistency: The Key Player

Building consistency in billing paints you in a professional light and takes away the worry from financial dealings—freeing you up to focus back on creative ventures that started this journey in the first place!

Worried if it’s too much?

It’s not really… Consistent reminders prove you take both commitments seriously—getting paid on time isn’t pushing but respecting agreements made on both sides.

Embracing tools designed around automated processes doesn't subtract from what makes your service uniquely yours; instead polishes how smoothly things run on that back end! So go forth—capture breathtaking stories through lenswork knowing that behind-the-scenes support has got those pennies accounted for!

✅ Collect payments easily from your clients (or students)

✅ Automatic payment reminder software

✅ Schedule payment reminder message on Whatsapp

✅ Automatic invoicing every month and online payment collection