Make Day Care Billing Simple with MeeKhata’s Payment Reminders.

Running a day care or preschool? You know it’s all about making sure the kids are happy and safe. But let’s face it—keeping track of payments? That’s not the fun part...and that’s where MeeKhata steps in. Our payment reminder software makes the whole billing thing easier, so you can focus more on what really matters—taking care of those little ones.

Why Automating Payments is a Big Help for Day Care Owners

Managing payments—ugh, what a hassle, right? I mean, you probably didn’t start your day care to spend hours chasing down parents for tuition fees. But, hey, it’s gotta get done to keep things running. MeeKhata’s automated payment collection reminders? They take a load off your mind. It’s like having an assistant that never forgets.

So, here’s how it works...

How MeeKhata Keeps Your Day Care’s Finances on Track

Balancing the books while running a day care? It’s no walk in the park, but MeeKhata makes it way easier. By automating the repetitive stuff, you get more time to focus on what really matters—caring for the kids.

With MeeKhata, you’ll always know who’s paid and who might need a little nudge. And with automated payment reminders sent through WhatsApp, keeping communication open and clear is a breeze. That means fewer late payments and a healthier bottom line for your business.

✅ Collect payments easily from your clients (or students)

✅ Automatic payment reminder software

✅ Schedule payment reminder message on Whatsapp

✅ Automatic invoicing every month and online payment collection